Dogs hike 16km with 30% of their body weight in a back pack they carry - after competing 4 hikes they earn a Working Pack Dog title.
Rules: http://ankc.org.au/media/4463/sledding_2015v2.pdf
Held by Alaskan Malamute Club NSW: https://www.facebook.com/groups/248281438529547/
Rules: http://ankc.org.au/media/4463/sledding_2015v2.pdf
Held by Alaskan Malamute Club NSW: https://www.facebook.com/groups/248281438529547/
Knight's New Title = WPD!!
We went to Belanglo State Forrest on Saturday and Sunday 21st and 22nd of July to complete 16km each day. Now having obtained 4 hikes Knight qualifies for his Working Pack Dog (WPD) title! Possibly the first Belgian in Australia to obtain this, certainly the first Tervueren!
We went to Belanglo State Forrest on Saturday and Sunday 21st and 22nd of July to complete 16km each day. Now having obtained 4 hikes Knight qualifies for his Working Pack Dog (WPD) title! Possibly the first Belgian in Australia to obtain this, certainly the first Tervueren!
Knight and I went to Wingello State Forest 23rd/24th June and did 2 x 16km over the weekend which gave us 2x quailies towards our Working Pack Dog (WPD) title! Knight carried 7.5kg like a champ.