Combined Northern Canine Show (Hillsborough)
14th Jan 17
Taboo won BCC, RuBOB (7pts)
Temper won BCC, BOB (8pts) finishing her title!!
I was really excited to debut my little man Knight at his first show! He was wonderfully friendly and very playful with everyone and all the other puppies/dogs - his fav was a papillon. Knight galloped and bounced around the ring and was tail wagging ❤ he was a winner in my eyes ❤
She did it!! Temper the happy hug monster completed her points for her title.
We don't show often but every time we do Temper gives it her al happy self! - almost all of Tempers CC were with competition.
Temper will be soon known as
Australian Champion* Tervailles Grimm Faerie Tale